
Veronica K. B. Olsen, Physicist and Research Fellow at CERN, receives her PhD at UiO

Patricia Patricia Follow on Twitter Feb 25, 2019 · 1 min read
Veronica K. B. Olsen, Physicist and Research Fellow at CERN, receives her PhD at UiO
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Veronica K. B. Olsen successfully defended her PhD dissertation at UiO today. The dissertation, with the title Beam Loading in a Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerator, is based on her research at CERN where she has processed large amounts of simulation data using Fortran. The analysis was done in Matlab and she wrote two large libraries OsirisAnalysis and QuickPICAnalysis to do this analysis. The libraries are on GitHub and are being used by other students as well.

Dr. Olsen currently works as a Research Fellow at CERN on the High Luminosity LHC, which is an upgrade to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). As a part of this work she is currently working on SixTrack which is “a single particle 6D symplectic tracking code optimized for long term tracking in high energy rings”. Which is used, among other things, to simulate the LHC. SixTrack is also written in Fortran, which is a language that is used a lot in scientific computing.

I made a feeble attempt to live-tweet the dissertation, having no physics background to speak of.

Written by Patricia Follow
C++ Programmer and trainer